PocketBook Basic Lux 4 (PB618)

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PocketBook Basic Lux 4 (PB618)
Device front.jpg
Manufacturer PocketBook
Dimensions width161.3 x breadth108 x height8
Release Date 2023
Website Device Product Page
SoC B288 @ 1Ghz
DRAM 512MiB DDR3L @ 1866MHz
Power 1300mAh battery
LCD 758x1024 (X" X:Y)
Touchscreen 2-finger self-capacitive (FocalTech FT6336U)
Video proprietary eInk display / ED060XCH
Audio none
Network WiFi 802.11 b/g/n (Manufacturer device)
Storage nand/eMMC KLM8G1GETF-B041, µSD(external)
USB X USB2.0 Host, 1 USB2.0 OTG
Camera none
Other eInk "backlight", AXP227
Headers UART, TWI

This page needs to be properly filled according to the New Device Howto and the New Device Page guide.

If a device is special, then feel free to provide a terse description of what makes this device so special. But terse, no novels, no marketing blurb.


On the back of the device, the following is printed:

Model No.: PB618

The PCB has the following silkscreened on it:

XRZ_E159-PB618 main V1.0 20230115

Sunxi support

Current status

Currently no support


Optional. Add MANUFACTURER DEVICE specific sunxi ROM images here. E.g. a livesuit image or some other linux image which uses linux-sunxi code. Do not put non-sunxi images here, they should live under See also. If no sunxi based images are available, this section can be removed.


Optional. Add MANUFACTURER DEVICE sunxi HW-pack specifics here. When empty, this section can be removed.


Optional. Add MANUFACTURER DEVICE sunxi BSP specifics here. When empty, this section can be removed.

Manual build

You can build things for yourself by following our Manual build howto and by choosing from the configurations available below.


Sunxi/Legacy U-Boot

Legacy B288 U-Boot uploaded by PocketBook: https://github.com/pocketbook/uboot_b288

Use the MANUFACTURER_DEVICE build target.

Mainline U-Boot

Use the MANUFACTURER_DEVICE build target.

Linux Kernel

Sunxi/Legacy Kernel

Legacy B288 3.10.65 kernel uploaded by PocketBook: https://github.com/pocketbook/kernel-b288


Mainline kernel

Use the FAMILY-CHIP-DEVICE.dtb device-tree binary.

Tips, Tricks, Caveats

Add MANUFACTURER DEVICE specific tips, tricks, Caveats and nice to have changes here.

FEL mode

Steps to enter FEL mode:

  1. Connect device to pc by USB
  2. Power off device
  3. Press and hold central home button, do not release
  4. Press power on button once to power on, and then 3 more times to enter FEL mode
  5. You can release central home button now, your device should be now in FEL mode

Here is what UART outputs during this:

[     0.270]HELLO ;) BOOT0 is starting!
[     0.280]AXP22 Voff=3.3V
[     0.283]fel flag  = 0x00000000
[     0.292]DRAM: 512
[     0.311]MMC3 v5.1 HSDDR52/DDR50 8 bit 7456 MB
[     0.361]Entry_name        = u-boot
[     0.369]Entry_name        = soc-cfg
[     0.373]Entry_name        = dtb
[     0.377]Jump to u-boot

U-Boot 2014.07-hg78e7bb6939f0 (Aug 08 2023 - 15:56:03) Allwinner Technology , Build: 78e7bb6939f0

normal mode
i2c_init: by cpux
[      0.397]pmbus:   ready
[      0.412]PMU: AXP221
[      0.412]PMU: AXP22X found
[      0.413]PMU: dcdc2 1260
[      0.415]IC Version: 1(0:A 1:B 2:other)
[      0.418]PMU: pll1 1008 Mhz,PLL6=600 Mhz
AXI=336 Mhz,AHB=100 Mhz, APB1=50 Mhz
dcdc1_vol = 3000, onoff=1
dcdc2_vol = 1260, onoff=1
dcdc3_vol = 1800, onoff=0
dcdc4_vol = 1100, onoff=1
dcdc5_vol = 1350, onoff=1
aldo1_vol = 3000, onoff=0
aldo2_vol = 1800, onoff=1
aldo3_vol = 3000, onoff=1
dldo1_vol = 1800, onoff=1
dldo2_vol = 3300, onoff=0
dc1sw_vol = 3300, onoff=0
dc5ldo_vol = 1100, onoff=0
DRAM:  512 MiB
fdt addr: 0x56ddc0f8
gd->fdt_size: 0x11ec0
Relocation Offset is: 15f3b000
gic: normal mode
[      0.534]MMC:        3
[mmc]: mmc driver ver 2016-08-01 13:45:00
[mmc]: get sdc_ex_dly_used 2, use auto tuning sdly
[mmc]: card3 io is 1.8V.
[mmc]: get sdc3 sdc_tm4_hs200_max_freq 100.
[mmc]: get sdc3 sdc_tm4_hs400_max_freq 100.
[mmc]: 50 MHz...
[mmc]: sample: 52 - 192(ps)
[mmc]: ds: 50 - 200(ps)
[mmc]: 100 MHz...
[mmc]: sample: 26 - 192(ps)
[mmc]: ds: 25 - 200(ps)
[mmc]: media type 0x8000000
[mmc]: host caps: 0x1ef
[mmc]: MMC3: v5.1 HSSDR52/SDR25 50MHz 8 bit 7456 MB
[mmc]: already at HSSDR52_SDR25 mode
[mmc]: EOL Info(Rev blks): Normal
[mmc]: Wear out(type A): 0%-10% life time used
[mmc]: Wear out(type B): 0%-10% life time used
[      0.613]sunxi flash init ok
Using default environment

bootcmd set setargs_mmc
vbus pc exist, limit to pc
Bus:2 VBat:4232 Ratio:100
Disable PF0-PF5
SW fel:   1
VBUS req: 0
Entering FEL
set next system status
[mmc]: MMC Device 2 not found
[mmc]: mmc 2 not find, so not exit
[mmc]: mmc exit start
[mmc]: 50 MHz...
[mmc]: sample: 51 - 196(ps)
[mmc]: ds: 51 - 196(ps)
[mmc]: 100 MHz...
[mmc]: sample: 26 - 192(ps)
[mmc]: ds: 25 - 200(ps)
[mmc]: mmc 3 exit ok
reset cpu
[     0.270]HELLO ;) BOOT0 is starting!
[     0.280]AXP22 Voff=3.3V
[     0.282]fel flag  = 0x5aa5a55a
[     0.286]eraly jump fel

DRAM is not initialized that way.

DRAM initialization is WIP, boot0 method does not always work.:

1.Load extracted boot0:

sunxi-fel spl /path/to/boot0

If you are lucky after some time there will be no -7 usb errors and you device will be in FEL mode with initialized DRAM

Unfortunately if we do:

sunxi-fel read 0x43000000 0x20000 script.bin

sunxi-fel read 0x42400000 0x82d0 boot1.header

script.bin and boot1.header will be random garbage. Maybe there are no such things in DRAM or they are in different places. I think there is no boot1 on B288, after boot0 stock u-boot is started.

We can load and execute mainline U-Boot(with many errors):

sunxi-fel write 0x4a000000 /path/to/u-boot/u-boot-dtb.bin exec 0x4a000000

I compiled it with orangepi_plus_defconfig, but with CONFIG_DRAM_ZQ=3881977 added

Device specific topic

If there are no further device specific topics to add, remove these sections.


Adding a serial port (voids warranty)

PB618 UART pads

Follow UART howto, there are 3 pads shown in the photo, solder wires to them. UART is 3.3V and 115200 8N1(default for many programs, such as minicom.)

Device disassembly

See Plastic tool howto. Back panel can be removed using plastic tool, it pops out. Power connector needs to be lifted up(be careful, I am not sure because I had to apply a lot of force), other connectors can be disconnecting by gently lifting the thing that fixes in place the ribbon cable, and then ribbon cable can be disconnected from motherboard easily since nothing holds them. Motherboard can be removed by unscrewing 4 screws holding it then sliding slightly in the direction to SD card hole(I refer to it as downwards) because there are some metal things that hold it on top, then carefully remove ribbon cables through holes to not tear them apart. Screen removing is untested.


Take some pictures of your device, upload them, and add them here. DO NOT UPLOAD PICTURES WHICH YOU PLUCKED OFF THE INTERNET.


List schematics, board layout, cad files, etc here.

Also known as

List rebadged devices here.

See also

FT6336U datasheet

KLM8G1GETF-B041 eMMC datasheet

Manufacturer images

Optional. Add non-sunxi images in this section.