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The FEL is actually a tiny usb stack implementing a special USB protocol.

Part of it is implemented in our tools repository and can be used as reference code.

Below is a specification for the protocol based on the official code. You can find it in uboot source: (usb_efex.h).


Communication always performs according to following routine (→ send, ← receive, => expected length of message):

Example 1. FEL_VERIFY_DEVICE (get device info)

1. Send request

→ AWUSBRequest(cmd = AW_USB_WRITE, len = 16)   => len(sizeof(AWUSBRequest) => 32)
→ AWFELStandardRequest(FEL_VERIFY_DEVICE)      => len(sizeof(AWFELStandardRequest) => 16)
← AWUSBResponse(csw_status = 0)                => len(sizeof(AWUSBResponse) => 13)

2. Read response

→ AWUSBRequest(cmd = AW_USB_READ, len = 32)   => len(sizeof(AWUSBRequest) => 32)
← AWFELVerifyDeviceResponse                   => len(sizeof(AWFELVerifyDeviceResponse) => 32)
← AWUSBResponse(csw_status = 0)               => len(sizeof(AWUSBResponse) => 13)

3. Read status

→ AWUSBRequest(cmd = AW_USB_READ, len = 8)    => len(sizeof(AWUSBRequest) => 32)
← AWFELStatusResponse(mark=-1,state=0)        => len(sizeof(AWFELStatusResponse) => 8)
← AWUSBResponse(csw_status = 0)               => len(sizeof(AWUSBResponse) => 13)

Example 2. FEL_DOWNLOAD (write data to device memory)

1. Send request

→ AWUSBRequest(cmd = AW_USB_WRITE, len = 16)            => len(sizeof(AWUSBRequest) => 32)
→ AWFELMessage(FEL_DOWNLOAD, address, length)   => len(sizeof(AWFELMessage) => 16)
← AWUSBResponse(csw_status = 0)                         => len(sizeof(AWUSBResponse) => 13)

2. Send data

→ AWUSBRequest(cmd = AW_USB_WRITE, len = <max 65536>)   => len(sizeof(AWUSBRequest) => 32)
→ data                                                  => len(<max 65536>)
← AWUSBResponse(csw_status = 0)                         => len(sizeof(AWUSBResponse) => 13)

3. Read status

→ AWUSBRequest(cmd = AW_USB_READ, len = 8)    => len(sizeof(AWUSBRequest) => 32)
← AWFELStatusResponse(mark=-1,state=0)        => len(sizeof(AWFELStatusResponse) => 8)
← AWUSBResponse(csw_status = 0)               => len(sizeof(AWUSBResponse) => 13)

Definition of messages

Default value is left after '=>'

AWUSBRequest (size 32)

  string   magic(4)             => "AWUC"
  uint32le tag                  => 0
  uint32le len                  => [size of data written in next transfer]
  uint16le reserved1,           => 0
  uint8    reserved2,           => 0
  uint8    cmd_len,             => 0xC
  uint8    cmd                  => [request type AW_USB_READ (0x11) or AW_USB_WRITE(0x12)]
  uint8    reserved3,           => 0
  uint32le len2                 => len [same value]
  array    reserved4(uint8, 10) => {0}

AWUSBResponse (size 13)

   string   magic(4)           => "AWUS"
   uint32le tag                => 0
   uint32le residue            => 0
   uint8    csw_status         => 0 (if != 0, then request failed)

AWFELStatusResponse (size 8)

   uint16le mark               => 0xFFFF
   uint16le tag                => 0
   uint8    state              => 0 (if !=0, something wrong happened)
   array    reserved(uint8, 2) => {0}

AWFELStandardRequest (size 16)

   uint16le cmd                 => [one of the request e.g. FEL_VERIFY_DEVICE]
   uint16le tag                 => 0 
   array    reserved(uint8, 12) => {0}

AWFELMessage (size 16)

   uint16le cmd,                => [one of the request e.g. FEL_DOWNLOAD, FEL_UPLOAD, FEL_RUN]
   uint16le tag,                => 0 (unused?)
   uint32le address             => 0
   uint32le len                 => 0 (length of read/write, 0 for FEL_RUN)
   uint32le flags               => 0 (used in FES mode)

AWFELVerifyDeviceResponse (size 32)

   string   magic(8)           => "AWUSBFEX"
   uint32le board              => Allwinner A31s (0x161000)
   uint32le fw                 => 1
   uint16le mode               => AL_VERIFY_DEV_MODE_FEL (1)
   uint8    data_flag          => 0x44
   uint8    data_length        => 0x8
   uint32le data_start_address => 0x7E00
   array    reserved(uint8, 8) => {0}


Full list of FEL request:

FEL_VERIFY_DEVICE                       = 0x1 (Read length 32 => AWFELVerifyDeviceResponse)
FEL_SWITCH_ROLE                         = 0x2
FEL_IS_READY                            = 0x3 (Read length 8)
FEL_GET_CMD_SET_VER                     = 0x4
FEL_DISCONNECT                          = 0x10
FEL_DOWNLOAD                            = 0x101 (Write data to the device)
FEL_RUN                                 = 0x102 (Execute code)
FEL_UPLOAD                              = 0x103 (Read data from the device)

Memory information

Some useful info about memory of device in FEL mode. Dumped from A31 firmware image.

# 0x2000 - 0x6000   : INIT_CODE (16384 bytes)
# 0x7010 - 0x7D00   : FEL_MEMORY (3312 bytes)
# => 0x7010 - 0x7210: SYS_PARA (512 bytes)
# => 0x7210 - 0x7220: SYS_PARA_LOG (16 bytes)
# => 0x7220 - 0x7D00: SYS_INIT_PROC (2784 bytes)
# 0x7D00 - 0x7E00   : ? (256 bytes)
# 0x7E00 - ?        : DATA_START_ADDRESS (obtained by FEL_VERIFY_DEVICE)
# 0x40000000        : DRAM_BASE
# 0x4A000000        : u-boot.fex
# 0x4D415244        : SYS_PARA_LOG (second instance?)


Before proper flash process begins, device must be turned into FES mode. Here's exactly way how it's achieved based on A31 device flash USB communication

  1. FEL_VERIFY_DEVICE => mode: AL_VERIFY_DEV_MODE_FEL, data_start_address: 0x7E00
  2. FEL_VERIFY_DEVICE (not sure why it's spamming with this again)
  3. FEL_UPLOAD: Get 256 bytes of data (filled 0xCC) from 0x7E00 (data_start_address)
  5. FEL_DOWNLOAD: Send 256 bytes of data (0x00000000, rest 0xCC) at 0x7E00 (data_start_address)
  7. FEL_DOWNLOAD: Send 16 bytes of data (filled 0x00) at 0x7210 (SYS_PARA_LOG)
  8. FEL_DOWNLOAD: Send 6496 bytes of data (fes1.fex) at 0x2000 (INIT_CODE)
  9. FEL_RUN: Run code at 0x2000 (fes1.fex). DRAM is initialized. You can manipulate memory on DRAM_BASE address
  10. FEL_UPLOAD: Get 136 bytes of data (DRAM) from 0x7210 (SYS_PARA_LOG). Its DRAM data in same form as in dram_para section in script
  11. FEL_DOWNLOAD(12 times because u-boot.fex is 0xBC000 bytes): Send (u-boot.fex) 0x4A000000 in 65536 bytes chunks (last chunk is 49152 bytes and ideally starts at config.fex (also known as: script.bin) data)
  12. FEL_DOWNLOAD: Send 1 byte of data (0x10) at 0x0E offset of u-boot (0x4A00000E). This change uboot_spare_head.boot_data.work_mode to WORK_MODE_USB_PRODUCT (more (cmd_irq.c) . Important: if you skip this step device will boot normally
  13. FEL_RUN: Run code at 0x4A000000 (u-boot.fex). Pause: LiveSuit asks user if he would like to do format or upgrade
  14. FEL_VERIFY_DEVICE => mode: AL_VERIFY_DEV_MODE_SRV, you can send FES commands now and you cannot send FEL commands anymore except FEL_VERIFY_DEVICE

Every LiveSuit image contains a compiled LUA plugin (aultools.fex) with a script. The script is loaded by LiveSuit and executed when flash process starts.

Check also legacy informations: USB-protocol.txt.