TabletExpress DragonTouchX10

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TabletExpress DragonTouchX10
Device front.jpg
Manufacturer TabletExpress
Dimensions 15.12 x 2.28 x 7.8 inches
Release Date Month year
Website Device Product Page
SoC A83T @ 2.0Ghz
Power DC 5V @ 2A, 7200mAh Li-Ion battery
LCD WidthxHeight (X" X:Y)
Touchscreen X-finger capacitive/resistive (Manufacturer device)
Video HDMI (Type A/B/C - full/mini/micro), VGA
Audio 3.5mm headphone plug, 3.5mm microphone plug, HDMI, internal speaker, internal microphone
Network WiFi 802.11 b/g/n (Manufacturer device), 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet (Manufacturer device)
Storage µSD, SATA
USB X USB2.0 Host, X USB2.0 OTG
Camera 5.0MP (2592x1936) front, 2.0MP (????x????) rear
Other Accelerometer (Bosch device)

This page needs to be properly filled according to the New Device Howto and the New Device Page guide.

If a device is special, then feel free to provide a terse description of what makes this device so special. But terse, no novels, no marketing blurb.


On the back of the device, the following is printed:


The PCB has the following silkscreened on it:


In android, under Settings->About Tablet, you will find:

  • Model Number: X10
  • Build Number: A83T_N106_N1061L2BC_1508208.20160115

Sunxi support


Current status

Only stock manufacturer firmware tested and working.


Optional. Add MANUFACTURER DEVICE specific sunxi ROM images here. E.g. a livesuit image or some other linux image which uses linux-sunxi code. Do not put non-sunxi images here, they should live under See also. If no sunxi based images are available, this section can be removed.

Manual build

You can build things for yourself by following our Manual build howto and by choosing from the configurations available below.


Sunxi/Legacy U-Boot

Use the MANUFACTURER_DEVICE build target.

Mainline U-Boot

Use the MANUFACTURER_DEVICE build target.

Linux Kernel

Sunxi/Legacy Kernel


Mainline kernel

Use the FAMILY-CHIP-DEVICE.dtb device-tree binary.

Tips, Tricks, Caveats

Add MANUFACTURER DEVICE specific tips, tricks, Caveats and nice to have changes here.

FEL mode

Power off the device either through the menu or by holding the power button for 10 seconds.

Hold the volume down key while connecting the device via USB.

Continue to hold the volume down key after USB is plugged in and press the power button 8 times.

In linux you can verify it has gone into FEL mode using the lsusb command. It will be listed as

Bus 002 Device 033: ID 1f3a:efe8 Onda (unverified) V972 tablet in flashing mode

Firmware can then be successfully flash using LiveSuit(Linux) or PhoenixSuite(Windows)

Device specific topic

If there are no further device specific topics to add, remove these sections.


Adding a serial port (voids warranty)


This section explains how to attach a serial port to the device. Make sure it refers to our UART howto. For a development board, you can just mention how to find the header with the pins and include a picture, and you can remove the warranty voiding warning.

Device disassembly

Rear casing can be removed with plastic tool or credit card. Unscrew 6 screws to release chip from board.

Locating the UART

Describe how to find the RX,TX,GND signals here, and mention the UART howto.

microSD breakout

You will need to modify the original sys_config.fex This can be extracted from the manufacturer image.

-uart_debug_port = 0
-uart_debug_tx   = port:PB09<2><1><default><default>
-uart_debug_rx   = port:PB10<2><1><default><default>
+uart_debug_port = 0
+uart_debug_tx   = port:PF02<2><1><default><default>
+uart_debug_rx   = port:PF04<2><1><default><default>

-force_uart_port  = 0
-force_uart_tx    = port:PF02<3><1><default><default>
-force_uart_rx    = port:PF04<3><1><default><default>
+;force_uart_port  = 0
+;force_uart_tx    = port:PF02<2><1><default><default>
+;force_uart_rx    = port:PF04<2><1><default><default>
uart_used       = 1
uart_port       = 0
uart_type       = 2
-uart_tx         = port:PB09<2><1><default><default>
-uart_rx         = port:PB10<2><1><default><default>
+uart_tx         = port:PF02<2><1><default><default>
+uart_rx         = port:PF04<2><1><default><default>
uart_regulator	= "vcc-io"

-sdc_used          = 1
+sdc_used          = 0

Note: The sys_config.fex file that comes with the firmware left out parenthesis around vcc-vibrator on line 476. You will need to add these to successfully compile.

This fex file can be used to compile new version of u-boot and boot0.

Compile the new sys_config.fex file to a bin file using fex2bin:

fex2bin sys_config.fex osys_config.bin

Then compile a new u-boot, boot0_sdcard, and boot0_nand using this bin

pctools/linux/mod_update/update_boot0 boot0_nand.fex sys_config.bin NAND
pctools/linux/mod_update/update_boot0 boot0_sdcard.fex sys_config.bin SDMMC_CARD
pctools/linux/mod_update/update_uboot u-boot.fex sys_config.bin

Note: You will likely need to recompile update_uboot as shown here.

Once these are recompiled, you can repack a new firmware image and flash.


Also known as

List rebadged devices here.

See also

Add some nice to have links here. This includes related devices, and external links.

Manufacturer images

Optional. Add non-sunxi images in this section.