NFC Register Guide

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NAND Flash Controller

Warning, default values where obtained using mtest in u-boot. They all kept reading 0, no matter what was written to them. So it could be write only or otherwise. Q: Could it possible that you're reading while NFC is disabled?


regid bit size access default desc E

Template:NFC Data

NFC Block Diagram

A13 NFC Block Diagram

NFC Timing Diagrams

See thumbnails to the right

A13 NFC - Address Latch Cycle
A13 NFC - Conventional Serial Access Cycle Diagram (SAM0)
A13 NFC - EDO Type Serial Access after Read Cycle Diagram (SAM1)
A13 NFC - Extending EDO Type Serial Access Mode Diagram (SAM2)
A13 NFC - Command Latch Cycle
A13 NFC - Address Latch Cycle
A13 NFC - Write Data to Flash Cycle
A13 NFC - Waiting RB Ready Diagram
A13 NFC - WE High to RE Low Timing Diagram
A13 NFC - RE High to WE Low Timing Diagram
A13 NFC - Address to Data Loading Timing Diagram

NFC Timing Cycle List

1T is 2x NFC_CLK.

ID Parameter Timing Notes
T1 NFC_CLE setup time 1T Example
T2 NFC_CLE hold time 1T Example
T3 NFC_CE setup time 1T Example
T4 NFC_CE hold time 1T Example
T5 NFC_WE# pulse width 1T Example
T6 NFC_WE# hold time 1T Example
T7 NFC_ALE setup time 1T Example
T8 Data setup time 1T Example
T9 Data hold time 1T Example
T10 Ready to NFC_RE# low 3T Example
T11 NFC_ALE hold time 1T Example
T12 NFC_RE# pulse width 1T Example
T13 NFC_RE# hold time 1T Example
T14 Read cycle time 2T Example
T15 Write cycle time 2T Example
T16 NFC_WE# high to R/B# busy tWB Specified by timing configure register(NFC_TIMING_CFG)
T17 NFC_WE# high to NFC_RE# low tWHR Specified by timing configure register(NFC_TIMING_CFG)
T18 NFC_RE# high to NFC_WE# low tRHW Specified by timing configure register(NFC_TIMING_CFG)
T19 Address to Data Loading time tADL Specified by timing configure register(NFC_TIMING_CFG)

NFC Operation Guide

See thumbnails to the right.

A13 NFC - Page Read Command Diagram
A13 NFC - Page Program Diagram
A13 NFC - EF-NAND Page Read Diagram
A13 NFC - Interleave Page Read Diagram

NFC Registers

NFC Base address: 0x01c03000

Register Name Offset Size Description
NFC_CTL 0x0000 4 B NFC control
NFC_ST 0x0004 4 B NFC status
NFC_INT 0x0008 4 B NFC interrupt control
NFC_TIMING_CTL 0x000c 4 B NFC NAND timing control
NFC_TIMING_CFG 0x0010 4 B NFC NAND timing configuration
NFC_ADDR_LOW 0x0014 4 B NFC low word of address
NFC_ADDR_HIGH 0x0018 4 B NFC high word of address
NFC_SECTOR_NUM 0x001c 4 B NFC sector count
NFC_CNT 0x0020 4 B NFC byte count
NFC_CMD 0x0024 4 B NFC command
NFC_READ_CMD_SET 0x0028 4 B NFC set read command
NFC_WRITE_CMD_SET 0x002c 4 B NFC set write command
NFC_IO_DATA 0x0030 4 B NFC I/O port
NFC_ECC_CTL 0x0034 4 B NFC ECC control
NFC_ECC_ST 0x0038 4 B NFC ECC status
NFC_DEBUG 0x003c 4 B NFC debug
NFC_ECC_CNT0 0x0040 4 B NFC ECC corrected count for block 0-3
NFC_ECC_CNT1 0x0044 4 B NFC ECC corrected count for block 4-7
NFC_ECC_CNT2 0x0048 4 B NFC ECC corrected count for block 8-11
NFC_ECC_CNT3 0x004c 4 B NFC ECC corrected count for block 12-15
NFC_USER_DB 0x0050 64 B NFC user data for block 0-15
NFC_SPARE_AREA 0x00a0 4 B Offset of the spare area in a page
NFC_RAM0 0x0400 1 kiB Base address for SRAM0 (I/O)
NFC_RAM1 0x0800 1 kiB Base address for SRAM1 (I/O)


Default value: 0x0000
Offset: 0x0000

Name Bit Read/Write Default Values Description
NFC_EN 0 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = disable
    1 = enable
Enable or disable the NAND flash controller
NFC_RESET 1 Read/Write 0b0
    When read:
    0 = reset finished
    1 = reset in progress
    when write:
    1 = start a reset progress
Reset the NAND flash controller
NFC_BUS_WIDTH 2 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = 8 bit
    1 = 16 bit
NFC bus width
NFC_RB_SEL 3 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = r/b pin 0
    1 = r/b pin 1
Selects one of the two R/B pin of NFC
NFC_CE_CTL0 6 Read/Write 0b0
NFC collumn ... control 0?
NFC_CE_CTL1 7 Read/Write 0b0
NFC collumn ... control 1?
NFC_PAGE_SIZE 8:11 Read/Write 0x00
    0x00 = 1 kiB
    0x01 = 2 kiB
    0x02 = 4 kiB
    0x03 = 8 kiB
    0x04 = 16 kiB
NFC page size (page shift - 10)
NFC_SAM 12 Read/Write 0b0
reserved 13
NFC_RAM_METHOD 14 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = Use SRAM for data transfer
    1 = Use DMA for data transfer
NFC RAM method
reserved 15:17
DDR_TYPE 18:19 Read/Write 0x00
    0x00, 0x01 = None DDR Type
    0x10 = ONFI DDR type
    0x11 = Toggle DDR type
REPEAT_MODE 20 Read/Write 0x0
   0 = disable repeat mode
   1 = enable repeat mode
this bit only work under DDR mode, see bit 18:19
reserved 21:23
NFC_CE_SEL 24:27 Read/Write 0x00
    n = chip n
If n=0-7, selects the CS pin on the NFC. if n=8-15, doesn't select any CS pin (can be used with GPIO pin as CS pin)
reserved 28:30
NFC_DEBUG_CTL 31 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = disable
    1 = enable
NFC debug control


Default value: 0x00000f00
Offset: 0x0004

Name Bit Read/Write Default Values Description
NFC_RB_B2R 0 Read/Write 0b0
   1 = Transition from Busy to Ready
   1 = Clear the flag
NFC R/B Busy-to-Ready interrupt flag
NFC_CMD_INT_FLAG 1 Read/Write 0b0
   0 = Command pending
   1 = Command completed
   1 = Clear the flag
   If any error occurs, this flag will stay 0 
NFC command interrupt flag
NFC_DMA_INT_FLAG 2 Read/Write 0b0
   0 = DMA pending
   1 = DMA completed
   1 = Clear the flag
NFC DMA interrupt flag
NFC_CMD_FIFO_STAT 3 Read/Write 0b0
   0 = Command FIFO can receive new command
   1 = Command FIFO is full
NFC command FIFO status
NFC_STAT 4 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = ?
    1 = ?
NFC status
NFC_MATCH_INT_FLAG 5 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = ?
    1 = ?
NFC command dma flag
reserved 6:7
NFC_RB_STATE0 8 Read/Write 0b1
   0 = NAND busy
   1 = NAND ready
NFC R/B state for line 0
NFC_RB_STATE1 9 Read/Write 0b1
   0 = NAND busy
   1 = NAND ready
NFC R/B state for line 1
NFC_RB_STATE2 10 Read/Write 0b1
   0 = NAND busy
   1 = NAND ready
NFC R/B state for line 2
NFC_RB_STATE3 11 Read/Write 0b1
   0 = NAND busy
   1 = NAND ready
NFC R/B state for line 3
reserved 12:31 0x00


Default value: 0x0000
Offset: 0x0008

Name Bit Read/Write Default Values Description
NFC_B2R_INT_EN 0 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = Disable
    1 = Enable
NFC R/B Busy-to-Ready interrupt enable
NFC_CMD_INT_EN 1 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = Disable
    1 = Enable
NFC command interrupt enable
NFC_DMA_INT_EN 2 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = Disable
    1 = Enable
NFC DMA interrupt enable
reserved 3:31 0x00


Default value: 0x0000

Name Bit Read/Write Default Values Description
NFC_DC_CTL 0:5 Read/Write 0x00
NFC delay chain control
reserved 6:7 0x00
NFC_READ_PIPE 8:11 Read/Write 0x00
NFC read pipe?
reserved 12:31 0x00


Default value: 0x0000
Offset: 0x0024

Name Bit Read/Write Default Values Description
NFC_CMD_LOW 0:7 Read/Write 0x00
NFC low byte command
NFC_CMD_HIGH 8:15 Read/Write 0x00
NFC high byte command
NFC_ADDR_NUM 16:18 Read/Write 0x00
    address number - 1
NFC address number
NFC_SEND_ADDR 19 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = not have address cycle
    1 = have address cycle
NFC send address
NFC_XS_DIR 20 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = fetch data from flash chip
    1 = send data to flash chip
NFC access direction
NFC_DATA_TRANS 21 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = do not fetch data to NFC RAM
    1 = fetch data to NFC RAM
NFC data transfer
NFC_SEND_CMD0 22 Read/Write 0b0
NFC send command 0
NFC_WAIT_FLAG 23 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = not wait r/b ready
    1 = wait r/b ready
NFC wait flag
NFC_SEND_CMD1 24 Read/Write 0b0
NFC send command 1
NFC_SEQ 25 Read/Write 0b0
NFC sequence?
NFC_DATA_SWAP_METHOD 26 Read/Write 0b0
NFC data swap method
NFC_ROW_AUTO_INC 27 Read/Write 0b0
NFC row auto increase
NFC_SEND_CMD2 28 Read/Write 0b0
NFC send command 2
NFC_SEND_CMD3 29 Read/Write 0b0
NFC send command 3
NFC_CMD_TYPE 30:31 Read/Write 0b00
NFC command type


Default value: 0x00e00f30
Offset: 0x0028

Name Bit Read/Write Default Values Description
NFC_READ_CMD 0:7 Read/Write 0x30
NFC read command
NFC_RANDOM_READ_CMD0 8:15 Read/Write 0x05
NFC random read command 0
NFC_RANDOM_READ_CMD1 16:23 Read/Write 0xe0
NFC random read command 1
reserved 24:31 0x00


Default value: 0x70008510
Offset: 0x002c

Name Bit Read/Write Default Values Description
NFC_PROG_CMD 0:7 Read/Write 0x10
NFC program command
NFC_RANDOM_WRITE_CMD 8:15 Read/Write 0x85
NFC random write command
NFC_READ_CMD0 16:23 Read/Write 0x00
NFC read command 0
NFC_READ_CMD1 24:31 Read/Write 0xe0
NFC read command 1


Default value: 0x4a800008
Offset: 0x0034

Name Bit Read/Write Default Values Description
NFC_ECC 0 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = disable
    1 = enable
NFC ECC enable or disable
reserved 1:2 0x00
NFC_ECC_PIPELINE 3 Read/Write 0b0
   0= disable ecc pipeline
   1= enable ecc pipeline
NFC ECC pipeline enable/disable
NFC_ECC_EXCEPTION 4 Read/Write 0b1
      0 = disable Ecc exception
NFC ECC exception enable/disable
NFC_ECC_BLOCK_SIZE 5 Read/Write 0b0
NFC ECC block size
reserved 6:8 0x00
NFC_ECC_RANDOM 9 Read/Write 0b0
    0 = disabled
    1 = enabled
NFC random ecc enable/disable
NFC_ECC_RANDOM_DIR 10 Read/Write 0b0
NFC random ecc direction
reserved 11 0b0
NFC_ECC_MODE 12:15 Read/Write 0x00
   0 = 16bit
   1 = 24bit
   2 = 28bit
   3 = 32bit
   4 = 40bit
   5 = 48bit
   6 = 56bit
   7 = 60bit
   8 = 64bit
ECC can correct how many bits for amount of NFC_REG_CNT data
NFC_ECC_RANDOM_SEED 16:31 Read/Write 0x4a80
   16 bit value
NFC ecc random seed[1]


Default value: 0xff * 64
Offset: 0x0050

Name Bit Read/Write Default Values Description
NFC_USER_DB0 0:2048 Read/Write 0xffffffff * 64
   64 x 32 bit value
ECC/OOB user data area. 32 bits per sector.

Initial values

default map

md 0x01c03000 0x29

01c03000: 00000000 00000f00 00000000 00000000    ................
01c03010: 00000095 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
01c03020: 00000000 00000000 00e00530 70008510    ........0......p
01c03030: 00000000 4a800008 00000000 00000000    .......J........
01c03040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
01c03050: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
01c03060: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
01c03070: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
01c03080: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
01c03090: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
01c030a0: 00000400    ....

all set to 1

mw 0x01c03000 0xffffffff 0x29 md 0x01c03000 0x29

01c03000: 0f3fcf5f 00000f00 00000007 00000f3f    _.?.........?...
01c03010: 000007ff ffffffff ffffffff 0000001f    ................
01c03020: 000003ff ffff00ff 00ffffff ffffffff    ................
01c03030: 00000000 7ffffe39 00000000 0000017f    ....9...........
01c03040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
01c03050: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
01c03060: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
01c03070: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
01c03080: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
01c03090: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
01c030a0: 0000ffff    ....

all set to 0

mw 0x01c03000 0x00 0x29 md 0x01c03000 0x29

01c03000: 00000000 00000f00 00000000 00000000    ................
01c03010: 00000095 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
01c03020: 00000000 00000000 00e00530 70008510    ........0......p
01c03030: 00000000 4a800008 00000000 00000000    .......J........
01c03040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
01c03050: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
01c03060: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
01c03070: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
01c03080: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
01c03090: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
01c030a0: 00000400    ....

Hardware ECC

Spare area

Each page data write will cause a spare area data write if hardware ECC is enabled. Sometimes the page is more than 1K, so it needs multiple times to write a page. The spare area will also be written with ECC data muliple times sequencely. One time a data write op will write 4 Byte user data stored at NFC_USER_DATA(i) following ECC data whose length depending on the ECC mode.

Random Seed

The controller includes a randomizer that scrambles the data to avoid large islands of the same charge. During boot the randomizer is initialized by the BROM to 0x4a80 and thus the SPL is expected to be randomized as such. Currently, boot[01] and stock kernels use the following randomized values, it is formed by page number % 128 index into

static const unsigned short random_seed[128] = {
    0x2b75, 0x0bd0, 0x5ca3, 0x62d1, 0x1c93, 0x07e9, 0x2162, 0x3a72, 0x0d67, 0x67f9,
    0x1be7, 0x077d, 0x032f, 0x0dac, 0x2716, 0x2436, 0x7922, 0x1510, 0x3860, 0x5287,
    0x480f, 0x4252, 0x1789, 0x5a2d, 0x2a49, 0x5e10, 0x437f, 0x4b4e, 0x2f45, 0x216e,
    0x5cb7, 0x7130, 0x2a3f, 0x60e4, 0x4dc9, 0x0ef0, 0x0f52, 0x1bb9, 0x6211, 0x7a56,
    0x226d, 0x4ea7, 0x6f36, 0x3692, 0x38bf, 0x0c62, 0x05eb, 0x4c55, 0x60f4, 0x728c,
    0x3b6f, 0x2037, 0x7f69, 0x0936, 0x651a, 0x4ceb, 0x6218, 0x79f3, 0x383f, 0x18d9,
    0x4f05, 0x5c82, 0x2912, 0x6f17, 0x6856, 0x5938, 0x1007, 0x61ab, 0x3e7f, 0x57c2,
    0x542f, 0x4f62, 0x7454, 0x2eac, 0x7739, 0x42d4, 0x2f90, 0x435a, 0x2e52, 0x2064,
    0x637c, 0x66ad, 0x2c90, 0x0bad, 0x759c, 0x0029, 0x0986, 0x7126, 0x1ca7, 0x1605,
    0x386a, 0x27f5, 0x1380, 0x6d75, 0x24c3, 0x0f8e, 0x2b7a, 0x1418, 0x1fd1, 0x7dc1,
    0x2d8e, 0x43af, 0x2267, 0x7da3, 0x4e3d, 0x1338, 0x50db, 0x454d, 0x764d, 0x40a3,
    0x42e6, 0x262b, 0x2d2e, 0x1aea, 0x2e17, 0x173d, 0x3a6e, 0x71bf, 0x25f9, 0x0a5d,
    0x7c57, 0x0fbe, 0x46ce, 0x4939, 0x6b17, 0x37bb, 0x3e91, 0x76db