Initial notes:
- JTAG over Microsd
- Below is default setup (A10) at boot! Bootloader etc may change it
- Only tested with a microsd breakout board designed for a10
- microsd breakout seems to have specific pull-ups/pull-downs in the board
- I will test with direct connection to microsd pins later.
- This has been tested on an MK802 only, but should theoretically work for everything.
- This has been confirmed working on an A13 Tablet as well.
Microsd | Pin | JTAG Connection | 14-pin ARM JTAG Header |
Data2 | 1 | TCK | 9 |
Cmd | 3 | TDO | 11 |
Data0 | 7 | TDI | 5 |
Data1 | 8 | TMS | 7 |
VDD | 4 | VTG | 1,13 |
GND | 6 | GND | 2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14 |
It is important to make sure boot0/boot1/u-boot/kernel doesn't pinmux this away, so nothing else must be using the pins. The script.bin needs to contain a correct jtag_para section. On my device, the default script.bin seems to contain an invalid configuration for the ports in question. Below is the configuration matching the working JTAG!
[jtag_para] jtag_enable = 1 jtag_ms = port:PF00<4><default><default><default> jtag_ck = port:PF05<4><default><default><default> jtag_do = port:PF03<4><default><default><default> jtag_di = port:PF01<4><default><default><default>
I used a Dangerous Prototypes Bus Blaster V2(.5) for my experiments (http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Bus_Blaster). I'm using the default buffer, which makes it jtagkey compatible. For now, i've only verified that both UrJTAG and OpenOCD can detect a device over the JTAG connection, but I haven't managed to read/write from memory yet or anything else fancy.
Some output: UrJTAG detect:
jtag> detect IR length: 4 Chain length: 1 Device Id: 01001011101000000000010001110111 (0x4BA00477) Unknown manufacturer! (01000111011) (/usr/local/share/urjtag/MANUFACTURERS)
UrJTAG discovery:
jtag> discovery Detecting IR length ... 4 Detecting DR length for IR 1111 ... 1 Detecting DR length for IR 0000 ... 1 Detecting DR length for IR 0001 ... 1 Detecting DR length for IR 0010 ... 1 Detecting DR length for IR 0011 ... 1 Detecting DR length for IR 0100 ... 1 Detecting DR length for IR 0101 ... 1 Detecting DR length for IR 0110 ... 1 Detecting DR length for IR 0111 ... 1 Detecting DR length for IR 1000 ... 35 Detecting DR length for IR 1001 ... 1 Detecting DR length for IR 1010 ... 35 Detecting DR length for IR 1011 ... 35 Detecting DR length for IR 1100 ... 1 Detecting DR length for IR 1101 ... 1 Detecting DR length for IR 1110 ... 32
Extremely work in progress OpenOCD cfg:
Tested OpenOCD features:
- dumping memory (sun4i.cpu mdw commands)
- halt & resuming
- gdb
- Loading files (tested with fel-pio)
- Single-stepping lines/instructions through loaded programs
- Breakpoints
See also
- MicroSD Breakout
- A10/PIO
- A13/PIO
- MarsBoard/JTAG - includes A20 Trace32 script