Cubieboard/Building Jellybean

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Instruction to build jellybean for cubieboard

Download the source code

$ mkdir openbox && cd openbox
$ repo init --no-repo-verify -u git:// -b cb -m openbox.xml  
$ repo sync

or see for up-to-date instructions.

Note: you may need to edit manifest.xml after this to say git:// instead of https://. Http downloads from github tend to fail.

Start to build

On 64bit system you need 32bit build environment.

You will need g++-4.4

g++-4.7 is too new at this moment.

You will need lib32z1 (x86 32bit - the prebuilt android tools are linked with it but it is not included in the repo.

$source build/
$lunch 4

Generate firmware image


Known Issues

  • Ethernet is not supported currently

See also