CedarX/MPEG4 trace 1 analysis

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One working cycle

==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d0f2[  f2]  2:     1625 // read chip id (A13)
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d144[ 144]  4: 04009000 // config buffer 1 ncf address ????
//setting VBV video income stream parametrs
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d138[ 138]  4: 04000000 // config buffer 2 address(vbv)
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d13c[ 13c]  4: 04008000 // config buffer 3 address(vbv len) end of vbv?
//setting ROT videobuff
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1cc[ 1cc]  4: 0480a000 // config buffer 4 address (rotf_c croma)YCbCr
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1d0[ 1d0]  4: 0481e000 // config buffer 5 address (rotf_y luma)YCbCr
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00000000 // here must be header
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d108[ 108]  4: 0014140f // video file size 320x240
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000000 //nukn
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084198 // do control
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 04000000 // set MPEG4 input format
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d10c[ 10c]  4: 014000f0 // set size 240x320
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 0000000d // set IQ level
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d188[ 188]  4: 00000000 //no ms-mpeg header
//setting REC video buffer
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d148[ 148]  4: 0480a000 //rec_y luma YCbCr
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d14c[ 14c]  4: 0481e000 //rec_c croma YCbCr
//setting FOR video buffer
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d150[ 150]  4: 00000000 //for_y "for" vbuff
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d154[ 154]  4: 00000000 //foc_c same crome
//setting BACK video buffer
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d158[ 158]  4: 00000000 //back_y "back buff"
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d15c[ 15c]  4: 00000000 //back_c
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000 //reset statues
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000 //ctrmb
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000 //err flag
// SET video buffer offset (data begin)
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00000038 00000000 //VBV offset
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 0001b8a0 //Video size
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff //config buffer 8 (last addr?)
//SET VLD buffer
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 8400300d 0400300d //touch trigger
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000 // read clock status (is ready?)
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001 //is ready?
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000  //clean status 
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000 // check VE clocks
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084180 // read MPEG control reg
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8 // do control (4th bit) 
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 0000234e // video offset changed we moved forward  
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000802//get macroblock offset in steam
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c000 // is ready?
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00000000 //set video plane header 

==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 00000002 //set new IQ level
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000802 //set macroblock offest (same was)
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000//clean all statuses
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000 //ctrmb
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000 //err flag
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00002370 0000234e //set VBV offset ??????
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 00019560 //video block remaining
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff //video block size (same for whole file)
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000 // VLD address
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 8400200d 0400200d //touch trigger
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000 //check clocks
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001 //check staus
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000 //reset statuse
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000 // check clocks
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084180 //read control
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8 //do control
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 000049a0 //set vbv offset
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000004 //unkn(frm? mc?)
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c000 //read status
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00000000 //set hdr
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 00000003 // set IQ 
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000004 //set macro block offset
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000 // reset all statuses
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000 //ctrmb
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000 //errflag
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 000049c8 000049a0 //zig-zag coding set mb begin
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 00016f00 //lengs
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff // (may be end of memblock)
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 84001a0d 04001a0d
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084180
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8 // do control
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00006f45
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000605
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 00000002
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000605
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00006f68 00006f45
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 00014960
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 8400170d 0400170d
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084180
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8 // do control
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00009555
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000906
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 00000003
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000906
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00009578 00009555
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 00012360
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 8400160d 0400160d
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084180
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8 // do control
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 0000ba6a
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000b07
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 00000003
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000b07
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 0000ba90 0000ba6a
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 0000fe40
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 8400140d 0400140d
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084180
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8 // do control
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 0000df62
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000b08
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 00000003
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000b08
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 0000df88 0000df62
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 0000d940
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 8400170d 0400170d
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084180
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8 // do control
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00010518
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000e09
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 00000003
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000e09
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00010540 00010518
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 0000b380
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 8400160d 0400160d
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084180
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8 // do control
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 000129d0
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 0000100a
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 00000003
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 0000100a
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 000129f8 000129d0
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 00008ee0
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 8400150d 0400150d
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084180
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8 // do control
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00014ea8
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 0000110b
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 00000002
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 0000110b
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00014ed0 00014ea8
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 00006a00
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 8400160d 0400160d
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084180
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 0001746a
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 0000130c
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 00000002
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 0000130c
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00017490 0001746a
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 00004440
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 8400140d 0400140d
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084180
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8// do control
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00019951
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 0000130d
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 00000001
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 0000130d
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00019978 00019951
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 00001f60
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 8400150d 0400150d
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084180
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8 // do control
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 0001b8bc
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 0000000f
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000 // reset VE
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130007 // do reset
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130007 // do reset
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000 // do reset
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d01c[  1c]  4: 00000000 // do reset
==31443== A| 0|   S 0401d01c[  1c]  4: 00000000 // do reset
==31443== A| 0|   L 0401d000[   0]  4: 00130000 // do reset

Frame 1-st type

There 2 scenario

89== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00000008          I|054a41bc F| mp4_set_packet_info+159 //set header
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 00000002          I|054a41c8 F| mp4_set_packet_info+171 //set iq settings
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000402          I|054a41d0 F| mp4_set_packet_info+179 //macroblock offset
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000 I|054a3fa4 F| mp4_set_vbv_info+31 // clean status bits
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000          I|054a3fac F| mp4_set_vbv_info+39 // ctrmb ??
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000          I|054a3fba F| mp4_set_vbv_info+53 // clean err code
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 002e83f8 002e83d3 I|054a4020 F| mp4_set_vbv_info+155 // memory address to VLD-ed data
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 0001c7c0          I|054a402a F| mp4_set_vbv_info+165 // VLD data length (frame size???)
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff          I|054a4038 F| mp4_set_vbv_info+179 //VBV verifer - look like limit that must trow error if beyond
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000          I|054a4042 F| mp4_set_vbv_info+189 // must be address but not... VLD address (???)
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 84001a0d 04001a0d I|054a404c F| mp4_set_vbv_info+199 //set MPEG4 - data input 
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001          I|054a14ba F| clear_status_reg+25 //check and 
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000 I|054a14c2 F| clear_status_reg+33 // clear statuses
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084180          I|054a1472 F| set_internal_intr_enable_bits+25 //enable IRQ
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8 I|054a147a F| set_internal_intr_enable_bits+33 //-//-
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 002ea7fb          I|054a4228 F| mp4_get_bitoffset+19
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000a03          I|054a4200 F| mp4_get_mba+19 
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c000          I|054a2c64 F| mp4_CheckVEBusy+15 // check VE status

Frame 2-nd type

==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00000008          I|054a41bc F| mp4_set_packet_info+159
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 00000002          I|054a41c8 F| mp4_set_packet_info+171
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000b0e          I|054a41d0 F| mp4_set_packet_info+179
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000 I|054a3fa4 F| mp4_set_vbv_info+31
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000          I|054a3fac F| mp4_set_vbv_info+39
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000          I|054a3fba F| mp4_set_vbv_info+53
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00303ee0 00303ebc I|054a4020 F| mp4_set_vbv_info+155
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 00000ce0          I|054a402a F| mp4_set_vbv_info+165
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff          I|054a4038 F| mp4_set_vbv_info+179
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000          I|054a4042 F| mp4_set_vbv_info+189
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 8400090d 0400090d I|054a404c F| mp4_set_vbv_info+199
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001          I|054a14ba F| clear_status_reg+25
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000 I|054a14c2 F| clear_status_reg+33
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80084180          I|054a1472 F| set_internal_intr_enable_bits+25
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8 I|054a147a F| set_internal_intr_enable_bits+33
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00304ba7          I|054a4228 F| mp4_get_bitoffset+19
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 0000000f          I|054a4200 F| mp4_get_mba+19
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d144[ 144]  4: 04009000          I|054a2e02 F| mpeg_set_buffer+57
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d138[ 138]  4: 04000000          I|054a2e28 F| mpeg_set_buffer+95
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d13c[ 13c]  4: 04008000          I|054a2e44 F| mpeg_set_buffer+123
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d108[ 108]  4: 0014140f          I|054a2d26 F| mp4_set_pic_size+57
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d10c[ 10c]  4: 014000f0          I|054a2d98 F| mp4_set_pic_size+171
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841f8          I|054a1472 F| set_internal_intr_enable_bits+25
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800841fc 800841f8 I|054a147a F| set_internal_intr_enable_bits+33
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d1d4[ 1d4]  4: 40620000          I|054a2fe4 F| mpeg_set_rotated_info+139
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d1cc[ 1cc]  4: 00000000          I|054a3018 F| mpeg_set_rotated_info+191
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d1d0[ 1d0]  4: 00000000          I|054a303c F| mpeg_set_rotated_info+227
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d1d4[ 1d4]  4: 40620000          I|054a304e F| mpeg_set_rotated_info+245
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d1cc[ 1cc]  4: 00000000          I|054a305a F| mpeg_set_rotated_info+257
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d1d0[ 1d0]  4: 00000000          I|054a3062 F| mpeg_set_rotated_info+265
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d144[ 144]  4: 04009000          I|054a2e02 F| mpeg_set_buffer+57
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d138[ 138]  4: 04000000          I|054a2e28 F| mpeg_set_buffer+95
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d13c[ 13c]  4: 04008000          I|054a2e44 F| mpeg_set_buffer+123
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d1cc[ 1cc]  4: 04828000          I|054a3ca4 F| mp4_set_vop_info+2927
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d1d0[ 1d0]  4: 0483c000          I|054a3cae F| mp4_set_vop_info+2937
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d104[ 104]  4: 00060008          I|054a378e F| mp4_set_vop_info+1625
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d108[ 108]  4: 0014140f          I|054a37ae F| mp4_set_vop_info+1657
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000000          I|054a37c0 F| mp4_set_vop_info+1675
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80085198          I|054a37ca F| mp4_set_vop_info+1685
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 04000000          I|054a37e4 F| mp4_set_vop_info+1711
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d10c[ 10c]  4: 014000f0          I|054a37f2 F| mp4_set_vop_info+1725
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d184[ 184]  4: 00000007          I|054a3804 F| mp4_set_vop_info+1743
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d188[ 188]  4: 00000000          I|054a3812 F| mp4_set_vop_info+1757
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d148[ 148]  4: 04828000          I|054a3820 F| mp4_set_vop_info+1771
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d14c[ 14c]  4: 0483c000          I|054a3832 F| mp4_set_vop_info+1789
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d150[ 150]  4: 04882000          I|054a3840 F| mp4_set_vop_info+1803
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d154[ 154]  4: 04896000          I|054a3852 F| mp4_set_vop_info+1821
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d158[ 158]  4: 00000000          I|054a3864 F| mp4_set_vop_info+1839
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d15c[ 15c]  4: 00000000          I|054a3874 F| mp4_set_vop_info+1855
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: ffffffff 0000c000 I|054a3fa4 F| mp4_set_vbv_info+31
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d1c8[ 1c8]  4: 00000000          I|054a3fac F| mp4_set_vbv_info+39
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d1c4[ 1c4]  4: 00000000          I|054a3fba F| mp4_set_vbv_info+53
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00304be4 00304ba7 I|054a4020 F| mp4_set_vbv_info+155
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d130[ 130]  4: 00003ac0          I|054a402a F| mp4_set_vbv_info+165
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d134[ 134]  4: 04809fff          I|054a4038 F| mp4_set_vbv_info+179
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d128[ 128]  4: 7400a000          I|054a4042 F| mp4_set_vbv_info+189
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d118[ 118]  4: 8400ac0d 0400ac0d I|054a404c F| mp4_set_vbv_info+199
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c001          I|054a14ba F| clear_status_reg+25
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c00f 0000c000 I|054a14c2 F| clear_status_reg+33
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d114[ 114]  4: 80085180          I|054a1472 F| set_internal_intr_enable_bits+25
==2789== A| 0|   S 0401d114[ 114]  4: 800851fc 800851f8 I|054a147a F| set_internal_intr_enable_bits+33
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d12c[ 12c]  4: 00306eea          I|054a4228 F| mp4_get_bitoffset+19
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d110[ 110]  4: 00000c08          I|054a4200 F| mp4_get_mba+19
==2789== A| 0|   L 0401d11c[ 11c]  4: 0000c000          I|054a2c64 F| mp4_CheckVEBusy+15