Auxtek T004

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Auxtek T004
Device front.jpg
Manufacturer Auxtek (link missing)
Dimensions 90mm x 29mm x 16mm
Release Date September 2012
Website Missing
SoC A10s @ 1Ghz
DRAM 512MB DDR3 @ 432MHz
Power DC 5V @ 2A
Video HDMI
Audio HDMI
Network WiFi 802.11 b/g/n (Unknown module)
Storage µSD
USB 1 USB2.0 Host, 1 USB2.0 OTG

This page needs to be properly filled according to the New Device Howto and the New Device Page guide.


On the back of the board, XW-MINIPC-I9 is printed.

In android, under Settings->About Tablet, you will find:

  • Model Number: I9
  • Kernel Version 3.0.8+ hzj@Exdroid #9 Thu Dec 13 12:07:24 CST 2012
  • Build Number: elite_evb-eng 4.0.4 IMM76D 20121213 test-keys

Sunxi support

Current status

Supported, apart from the unidentified wifi.




Manual build

  • For building u-boot, use the "Auxtek-T004" target.
  • The .fex file can be found in sunxi-boards as auxtek-t004.fex

Everything else is the same as the manual build howto.

Mainline kernel

Use the sun5i-a10s-auxtek-t004.dts device-tree file for the mainline kernel.

Tips, Tricks, Caveats

FEL mode

The button marked uboot, right next to the serial port, triggers FEL mode.

Unidentified Wifi module


The wifi chip, marked W01 TOC9002 1237 still is a bit of a puzzler. Perhaps powering the USB bus and then running lsusb will reveal what's in there.

Debugging help

For building the kernel set the options:

  • EARLY_PRINTK enabled
  • SW_DEBUG_UART configured to 0

Pass earlyprintk on your bootargs.

Adding a serial port (voids warranty)

T004 UART pads

Device disassembly

With a plastic tool it is very easy to remove the top lid How exactly?.

Locating the UART

There are two pads between the SoC and the u-boot button. Just solder on some wires according to our UART howto.


Also known as

See also