Cubietech Cubieboard

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Cubietech Cubieboard
Manufacturer CubieTech, Cubieboard
Dimensions 10cm x 6cm
Release Date October 2012
Website Cubieboard Product page
SoC A10 @ 1Ghz
DRAM 512MiB/1GiB DDR3 @ 480MHz (GT8UB256M16BP-BG, GT8UB256M16BP-BH)
NAND 4GB (Samsung K9GBG08U0A-SCB0)
Power DC 5V @ 2A (4.0mm/1.7mm barrel plug - centre positive)
Audio 3.5mm headphone plug, 3.5mm microphone plug, HDMI
Network 10/100 Ethernet (Realtek RTL8201CP)
Storage µSD, SATA (+5v power)
USB 2 USB2.0 Host, 1 USB2.0 OTG
Other IRDA (Vishay HS0038B)
Headers 2 48pin expansion ports which export (amongst others): I2C (TWI), SPI, RGB/LVDS, CSI/TS, FM-IN, ADC, CVBS, VGA, SPDIF-OUT, touch-panel

Cubieboard is a small (10x6cm), hacker friendly, extendable and very low-cost while powerful ARM board with Allwinner A10 SoC.


The board helpfully reads "Cubietech" "" and has an A10 chip on it. :)

Sunxi support

Current status

The cubieboard is well represented within the main sunxi developer community and has excellent support both in u-boot as well as 3.4 and mainline kernels.


Cubietech also has a bunch of official firmwares available on their download page.


Generating a HW pack for the cubieboard is easily done with the sunxi-bsp and well supported.


Under the BSP the cubieboard is simply known as cubieboard. Just run:

./configure cubieboard

Manual build

You can build things for yourself by following our Manual build howto and by choosing from the configurations available below.


Sunxi/Legacy U-Boot

Use the Cubieboard build target.

Upstream/Mainline U-Boot

Use the Cubieboard build target.

Linux Kernel

Sunxi/Legacy Kernel

Use the cubieboard.fex file.

Upstream/Mainline kernel

Use the sun4i-a10-cubieboard.dtb device-tree binary.

Mainline kernel

Use the sun4i-a10-cubieboard.dts device-tree file for the mainline kernel.

Tips, Tricks, Caveats

FEL mode

The FEL button triggers FEL mode.

Hardware Hacking

Software Hacking

Adding a serial port


There is a nice 2.54mm pin header near to the SoC. All you have to do is connect the correct wires, according to our UART howto or the Cubieboard TTL howto. Exclamation-red.png Do not connect Vcc as that might damage your board.


Hardware documentation

Also known as

The cubieboard was a major success, and it has become a name of its own. Therefore, no rebadging has taken place, but there might be some bad chinese rip-offs out there, which carry the same name.

See also

Cubieboard Community

Next to the sunxi community, the cubieboard has its own cummunity.

Other links